Terms of Use

Welcome to VT Friends!

VT Friends is a professional social networking forum. These Terms of Use govern your use of VT Friends. You agree to these terms when you create a VT Friends account or use VT Friends. The terms of use we will disclose here will apply to all our services.

Users agree to abide by this user agreement when signing up. Hence, you must agree to all the terms and conditions when you access and use our services. Please be counseled that the user agreement consists of provisions governing how it claims you and how those claims are resolved. Please ensure that the conditions are read judiciously.

Use of VT Friends

By accepting our User Agreement, you agree to follow VT Friends' policies, terms and conditions, laws, rules, and regulations. Consequently, you are bound to be mindful of the following:

  • Our code of conduct, rules, or third-party rights are not to be broken or violated. This includes our policies, services, systems, and transactional accounts as well.
  • Any vulgar or racist content is not permitted.
  • Any activity or action that jeopardizes VT Friends' credibility is strictly prohibited.
  • If you are found guilty of malicious or conspiratorial acts, you are immediately removed from the list.
  • It is illegal to transfer your VT Friends account and ID without our permission.
  • It is forbidden to use any technology or software that interferes with the operation of VT Friends.
  • You are not permitted to access, gather, extract, or share our confidential information by any means except with the permission of VT Friends.
  • Any violation or breach of intellectual property rights can land you in trouble.
  • Participation in any act or plan that defames, deceives, or misleads a third party is prohibited.
  • Do not post, share, or associate false or irrelevant information with our VT Friends portal.
  • Serious legal action will be taken if the personal data and information of users are collected and used without their permission.
  • You must not attempt to harm or manipulate other users.


Please review our privacy policy to understand the privacy regulations related to our services.

Content You Share

You can include photos, comments, videos, and other media. However, the content must not be illegal, defamatory, threatening, infringing on intellectual property rights, invading privacy, harmful to third parties, objectionable, or contain software viruses. In fact, there should be no spam or unsolicited email in the content. Remember that the email address should not be false, misleading, or impersonating any entity or person. VT Friends have the ability to remove or edit any content, but we do not do so frequently.

If you post content or submit material, you grant VT Friends a royalty-free, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, adapt, publish, reform, translate, and create derivative works from and display such content throughout the world.

Not only that, but you grant VT Friends permission to use the name and submit the content if they so desire. You warrant and represent that you own and control all rights to the posted content and that it is entirely correct. In addition, your content does not violate our policies and will not harm any entity. And that you will indemnify VT Friends for all entitlements resulting from all the content you supply. VT Friends have the right, but they are not required to edit or monitor any activity. VT Friends is not responsible and undertakes no liability for the posted content by any third party or you.

Disclaimer Of Warranties And Restriction Of Liability

We ensure that our services are completely secure and work properly, but we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of all our services. Also, provide updates and ensure that the functionality runs smoothly.

By accepting our terms and conditions, you agree to use any of our services at your own risk. In addition, it should be to the extent permitted by applicable law; we do not include all implied warranties and conditions.

In addition to this, to the extent permitted by law, on no occasion will VT Friends (including our affiliates and their agents or employees) be liable to you for any consequential losses, including the loss of money, goodwill, intangible losses, or indirect and consequential damages.

Likewise, we are not liable for any loss caused indirectly or directly by:

  • The content which you will provide directly or indirectly using VT Friends services.
  • Any inability to use our services.
  • Disruption or any delay in the VT Friends services.
  • Malicious software or any virus found by clicking or connecting to our services.
  • Bugs, errors, glitches, inaccuracies of any type in the services of VT Friends.
  • Damage to the hardware device by using the site or any of our services.

Legal Disputes

Any claim arising from your use of the VT Friends service may be arbitrated in state or federal courts.

You and VT Friends agree that any equitable or legal dispute that arises or may arise between you and VT Friends will be resolved in accordance with our terms and conditions. Your use of our services and any actions or services sold or purchased through the services will be completely resolved in accordance with the requirements outlined in this legal dispute area.

Governing Law

By utilizing any VT Friends service, you agree to the laws of North American states without regard to the principles of conflict of laws. We will govern the terms of use and resolve any disputes between you and VT Friends.

Site Policies, Modification, And Severability

Kindly review the other policies that are crucial to know. All the policies also oversee your usage of VT Friends services. We standby the right to make any changes to our site, services, terms, or conditions of use at any instance. Besides, the conditions could be severable and might not affect the enforceability or cogency of the existing conditions.

Contact Us

You can reach us online for general inquiries. For more information on our services, you may contact our support team.